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Is it Summer Yet?

Grapevine Articles

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Is it Summer Yet?

Olivia Spitzer

Keeping track of which seasonal produce is available when can be hard to do, even for the pros! You may ask a farmers when their cherries are coming and often they can give you an idea, but not a solid answer. Farming can be both an art and a science. There are so many factors that go into how fruits and vegetables grow. Farms in the same region can all have different soil make up, sunlight hours, and water flow or drainage. Everything has an impact on how their produces grows.

The most common questions we recieve at the information booth this time of year is about vendors and product. Those questions are why we put together this handy seasonal produce calendar, for shoppers to take home. 

We opted for the venn diagram image because weather patterns vary year to year, so it is hard to say that aspargus always comes to market in April. Remember last April, when that late, wet snowstorm blew through? These changes can be hard to predict. We wanted to present information on seasonal produce accordingly. We found this imagery more flexible than a graph depciting typical growing seaosns, arranged by month. 

Looking at this image, you can tell we are squarely between spring and summer. We don't have apricots yet, but we do have beets. The aspargus is at the end of it's season but the potatoes just keep coming. You'll find all of the items in that green center divide at market: fava beans, strawberries, rhubarb, and peas.

We have to admit that part of the joy of eating and shopping seasonally is this exact unporedictablity. We know those cherries are coming, we know it's soon, but we can't quite say when. It's exciting to walk into the market and catch that first glimpse of summer, whatever that means to you.